A busy day of tube poster nose sticker-ing, not to mention leaving several sets of stickers lying around with 'Please stick me' notes, so that other people can do my job for me... I mean spread the word.
I haven't found anyone who wants an adventure yet, but I have had a couple of emails with questions and suggestions. 'C.Hooch' wanted to know if you could submit an adventure idea for someone without wanting an adventure yourself. And I say 'Yes, of course!' He suggested 'Finding a missing person'. Debbie Gibbs, of Balham, asked whether groups of friends could apply to have an adventure too. I told her I thought this was a very good idea.

Beagleboy also wished me luck, but told me he didn't think he was cut out for danger or leaving his sofa. I said, 'Thanks', and also 'never mind.' However I do want to reassure everybody that adventures don't have to be physically strenuous in any way. My all time adventuring hero is Mr.Benn and not Sir Ranulph Fiennes or Edmund Hillary.
So as well as daring stunts I think a good adventure could just as easily be something quite silly, like the one suggested by Jizzy, 'How about organising a treasure hunt on Oxford Street with a box of Milk Tray as the prize?' Thank you for sharing that, Jizzy.
It's no good, I can't do this... I'm actually 'Jizzy', and 'C.Hooch', and there isn't really any 'Debbie Gibbs of Balham', and I made up that fat coach potato 'Beagleboy' too. I didn't get any emails, alright?
I know it's early days, but I haven't got one single adventure suggestion yet, let alone any would be adventurers. But I just wanted to write something... It's like magazines that launch a first issue yet still have a 'Letters Page', they just make the letters up at first. Problem pages do this too, even when they're quite established. Perhaps with stuff like, 'Dear Aunt Aggie, I make up emails from strangely named people on my blog...' And perhaps writing to Aunt Aggie would be a better use of my time than writing here? Except I can't write to her. She isn't real!
So anyway please write in. Tell me who your adventuring heroes are. I know I'm talking to myself here, that's ok... (Keep pretending you have real readers.) Write in to send me your adventure ideas, or even say 'I want an adventure!' Go on! Go on! Please..!
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