RIP my monkey friend

In all the excitement over the Yellow Traffic Light mission, I barely had time to mourn the passing of my poor dear monkey friend. Sadly his poster home at Tooting Bec tube station is no more, the poster's been replaced, and with this he's been scraped from the wall, or smothered over by an inferior poster - however tube poster stickerers work, I really don't know. Though I'd like to, I feel we share a common bond.
I noticed my sad-eyed, brave, little adventurer was gone yesterday morning as I headed to work. His art exhibition poster has been replaced by a nondescript movie poster. I stuck a yellow sticker on a nearby 'Mama Mia' poster nose, but this didn't seem the same. I know that every time I look at that particular yellow sticker nose, I'll think of him.
I don't think he would have wanted me to spend too long feeling down. And perhaps it was fitting tribute that I completed the Yellow Traffic Light mission that same day? Perhaps my little monkey was there in spirit to see those yellow stickers fluttering onto the shoppers.
At least I have a photo to remember him by.
And if I blow this photo up and print it out I can sticker him up on a new poster home at Tooting Bec station tomorrow morning!
Forget RIP! My monkey's not dead, he's just missing in action. The battle of monkey nose continues. And adventure will be the victor!
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