Stickers 0

Yesterday was a day of 0 stickers stuck, and yet again I was too chicken to check my IWAA inbox. I've wondered if I should write these entries Bridget Jones style, with stickers and emails replacing her calorie and cigarette count? I could do weight and alcohol units too perhaps, but they really don't effect my mood half as much as stickers and emails.
Today as I headed to work I saw that 3 of the Tooting Bec station IWAA stickers had been removed. They'd all been torn quite roughly from their posters in what seemed a vindictive assault; each of the posters now had a large white roughly shaped paper nose. But I was pleased to see that at least my little monkey friend's nose was still in good shape.
This cheered me up quite a bit, I felt like I'd surely won the battle of monkey nose. Which was much more important to me than the battle of Saturday Night Fever nose. Whoever was removing my stickers would have to admit defeat with my monkey, as I said before I will stick and stick and stick... That monkey's nose would be a yellow sticker forever. Or at least until the art exhibition was over, and then he'd no doubt be smothered with another poster, or even scraped off the wall. Poor little chap. At least he'd led a short life filled with meaning. Only to me, but still.
Spurred on by my monkey's cheeky nose I stickered quite a bit on the way to work, and now I'm getting bolder with my efforts. I used to only stick when I was sure no one was looking. Now if a stranger might see me stick, that's ok. Maybe one day I'll even stick in full public view? Or even stick on a real nose of an unsuspecting stranger? Wow!
I passed McDonald's on Oxford Street and stuck a sticker on their Toasted Deli Sandwich poster. I know this isn't a nose, but sandwiches don't have noses. I've decided I'm expanding the stickering rules now. It's now OK to stick stickers on poster noses or sandwiches (Only posters sandwiches not real ones.) I told you I'm making up the rules as I go along.
So today was a good stickering day. My Bridget Jones entry would include the following.
Wednesday September 28th
Stickers 9 (v.g) emails 3 (excellent!)
And when I braved that email inbox it was great to see positive emails from all three of my would be adventurers!
INAV made a suggestion about putting the web address on my stickers. I had considered this before, but when I had the stickers printed I didn't have a website. I printed the stickers online on a whim in July. This would be my Bridget Jones style entry on this day.
Monday July 18
119 lbs, alcohol units 10 (pissed), cigarettes 0 (don't smoke), calories 3100 (pizza!) Emails 1 (I tested my .com email address and I can now redirect to Hotmail!) Stickers 500 (ordered with optimism.)
On this sticker ordering date I hadn't got my .com website working. But I do now. I was so proud when I figured out how to do a redirect to The key was not writing http:// twice in the 'redirect to' address section.
So now I could print stickers with this web address, but still wondered do I really want would-be adventurers to read my depressive rantings? Surely it would just put people off?
Plus I still have around 450 stickers that have just the email address listed. What do i do with those?
I'll have to have a think. Maybe ask my monkey friend's advice? He comes across quite well in these posts and he'll probably want his three minutes of fame. Before the sad wall scraping end.
So nice were my would-be-adventurers emails that I even felt quite positive about the removed stickers. Just maybe they'd been removed by people who wanted an adventure? Perhaps they'd been removed by would-be-adventurers who wanted to be sure of the email address and so they'd pocketed the sticker? After all this is what INAV had done, and he's turned out to be a great adventuring ally. Although I should point out that the Tooting Bec monkey is still clearly second in command.
So all in all Wednesday, September 28th was a good day. Here's my full diary entry.
Wednesday, September 28th
119 lbs (approx), alcohol units 2 (excellent), cigarettes 0 (I still don't smoke), calories 2900 (falafel) stickers 9 (very good), Emails 3 (all good ones, still need to reply.)
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