He lives again!

I returned my little monkey to his home at Tooting Bec tube station today as planned. Stickering him on a poster was slightly trickier than usual, as unlike my IWAA stickers he didn't come with an adhesive backing. I used a Pritt stick, and secretly coated him with this while he was hidden in a carrier bag. I don't think my activities looked too suspicious to the other passengers on the platform. In any case I don't think there's any law against glueing monkeys backsides.
I hope whoever's been removing my yellow stickers doesn't remove him too. I used 'Power Pritt' rather than 'regular' to make this a more challenging proposition. But if they do it's an easy matter to print myself another little monkey. And the Power Pritt was in a 'buy one get one free' offer, so I am prepared for anything.
As stickering is such good fun, and I want to share this mini-adventure with others on Monday I will hide sets of stickers at three secret London locations. Secret until tomorrow, when these will be revealed on this website.
Sadly only three people will be able to enjoy this stickering min-adventure. Or even one person if they get to all the stickers very fast. Or zero if no one's interested in stickering...
We'll see.
If you don't get the stickers you could always do as I did and print out a monkey (or other animal) on your PC and sticker these instead. I think it would be nice if tube poster's were decorated with the occasional jungle beast. Tiger's would be good. I believe there are only 4200 Wild Tigers left in the world, perhaps a good adventure could be to stick 4200 Tigers on tube posters? If you accept this challenge I recommend you get yourself to Woolworth's quickly while the Power Pritt's on 2 for 1.
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