Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ho Hum

I spent my lunch hour partaking in a bit of stickering. Only 3 sticker's stuck, so naturally I'm feeling a bit down. It's surprising how hard it is to find poster noses on your average shopping street. I'll have to make a better effort on my way home.

At the weekend the Tooting Bec monkey was seriously injured, someone had torn his poor little paper head. As I headed to work today I had an elastoplast with me ready to patch him up, but I found that he'd been removed completely. There was another sticker on his film poster home, this said 'Hello from...' then there was a scrawled signature and a web address. www.color... something. I didn't note the web address properly, just noticed the American spelling of 'color'. A train was fast approaching, and I was late for work already, so I was busy Pritt-sticking areplacement poster monkey's behind. I always have a spare monkey in my bag, don't you know!

I fear for my new little monkey's chances though. Any IWAA adventures at Tooting Bec are being removed almost as fast as I put them up. But it will be interesting to see if that 'www.american-spelling-of-color...' sticker survives. Do I have some anti-adventure adversary at Tooting Bec, or is this just paranoia and it's over-zealous station staff?

No one's yet taken the hidden stickers from under the sandwich shop board in the side road next to the Plaza Shopping Center. At least they're still there. I'd imagine the staff might see them if they bring the board in at night, but if so they haven't removed my blu-tacked envelope. Who'd have thought that adventuring would involve so many adhesive products? I now always travel with blu-tac, sellotape, pritt stick and of course my sticky-backed yellow stickers.

I felt I had to go to Borders to check the other envelope of stickers, but the stickers in the hardback Delia Smith book were still there too. I didn't bother going to John Lewis, the swimming float's are hard enough to find in themselves (you'll need Sports, 5th floor, near table tennis, if you're interested) so I could hardly expect these most well hidden of my stickers to have been found.

I really felt the need of another adventure, if only to take my mind off all these stickering dissapointments. I've decided I'll find an adventure for tomorrow lunch hour. So if any one has any suggestions for a central London lunch hour adventure do please let me know. It's not quite a week since my 'Yellow Traffic Light' challenge, I headed through the Plaza for the first time since this sticker throwing mission. The security people must have seen me on CCTV camera, were they watching out for me ready to pounce on me as a notorious sticker-litterer? But I got through the Plaza without incident, and there was no sign of any stickers now of course. It didn't matter, that was then, this is now. And once again I know I want an adventure!


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