Smile yourself silly!
Still no stickers hidden as I wasn't in the office again today, I am feeling better though and I expect I'll be at work tomorrow.
I got a great suggestion in an email from NLAV, 'Here's an idea for you... not really an adventure, more just something to do. Next time you're on public transport, look around you. Notice how many people are smiling (odds are it will be 0). Start smiling, as big as you can manage without looking fake. Just smile everywhere you go. It will make you feel better, and might brighten up someone's day. If someone smiles at you, smile harder.
If you get the giggles, don't worry about it. I just think too many people look sad/angry/in a hurry/tired on the tube and train these days.'
This idea seems so appropriate today; last time I used the tube it was on Tuesday morning, I was heading to work, feeling ill, and I probably should have stayed in bed. I fainted at Clapham North station. None of my fellow passengers said a word, or offered any help. So smiling at people on the tube doesn't feel at all natural right now, scowling I could manage very easily.
I'll find this a tough challenge for many reasons, jumping in the Thames, dropping stickers from a shopping center balcony, those I could do, a quick adrenaline boost and a silly adventure's accomplished, but prolonged smiling... well, isn't that going to be embarrassing?
I guess I'll find out tomorrow! Why don't you try it too?
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