A Very Bad Photo, sorry

The winking faces were still there on the Magic Up Escalator at Oxford Circus. I tried to take a photo, but escalator's move, and my camera's never coped very well with moving things. If you want to see this wonderful escalator properly you'll have to visit it yourself, and maybe even draw a sticker of your own to decorate a poster there?
You could add more chewing gum to the faces if you prefer, but as I've already explained I don't really like chewing gum. Well for chewing I like it fine, but when you stick it on posters it goes kind of grey after a while. I don't like that. Who likes grey?
These hand drawn winking stickers have given me an idea. At Borders bookshop next week I will be placing special stickers in books. Blank ones. I may even throw in a pen too! This means people who are not committed to the whole IWAA concept, but who still like the idea of a bit of stickering, can get involved too! I wonder what people will draw on those blank stickers? And where they'll stick them?
Some good news (especially for those who doubt the IWAA concept) it seems that 3 people who responded to my emails are now a little closer to finding an adventure; simply thanks to a little bit of stickering, which was actually some sort of an adventure to me, so lets call that 4 people! I know that's not a lot of people in the scheme of things, but I really enjoyed the stickering, and as a side effect of a fun thing to do it is kind of nice.
I have a very long IWAA 'To Do' list and I have a few days off work next week, so hopefully I'll make some progress with the ideas I've had for this website, and for the amazing people who've replied to those yellow stickers.
I had an interesting response to my smiling challenge today, someone wrote in to say 'A similar idea -- if you are walking down the street you can say "Hi" to everyone that passes. (They do this in the countryside all the time.)'
Of course I now have to try this! To make life easier I'll probably do this on a day off when I'm in or around Tooting, as there would be an awful lot of people to say 'Hi' too on Oxford Street. Mind you, Tooting High Road can get pretty busy...
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